Baby is the size of a Grapefruit
Nothing too much has changed since last week.
Weight: Gained a total of 8 Pounds.
Sleep: Sleeping through out the night, which is wonderful.
Appetite: I'm been craving sushi and I'm LOVING Oatmeal. I can eat it, morning, lunch, dinner it's just really good!!
Nursery: I have my idea in mind, but we haven't actually put anything together. I had gone to Joann's yesterday and looked at fabrics and I know just what fabric design I want to make for baby's blanket. There's two that I really like, and I will make them!! I've been looking for fabric for the rocking chair, and I may have found it, but I'm not too sure. I do have the fabric for the pillow of the rocking chair though. I'll be sewing a lot while I'm pregnant, even though I'm not much of a sewing machine person. I've normally taught myself and friends have taught me a bit.
Fun Fact: Baby's face is fully formed. Has eyebrows and eyelashes!!
Best Moment of this Week: Feeling our baby kick and move around. Like I literally can feel him/her from the outside. Jason has had bad timing and it just doesn't want to move/kick for him. Eventually our baby will.
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