Thursday, May 7, 2015

20 Week Bumpdate (5 Months)


Baby is the size of a Banana

When I told Jason that our baby cakes is as long as a banana he kind of started singing this song. I then played it for him, we both laughed.

Weight: Gained 3 Pounds From week 6.

Movement: Just the same as last week, kicking and I can slightly feel the moving around. I can feel the kicks more though.

Feeling: Good, I kind of feel uncomfortable here and there, like with some of my clothes, or just anything. Kind of makes have a sick feeling.

Sleep: Been sleeping very well!! The only time I will wake up is when I switch sides, and will have to bring my pillow along with me.

Cravings: Hot Cheetos!! and oh so good..tasting, since it's not actually good for you. I got strawberries the other day and they just bring me back from California, they were actually some good strawberries, I haven't had those in a long time!! Jason even approves of them. But it wasn't as good as the new we got..and lost during one of our dates when we first met.

Baby Items: I am needing to get this crib that's been sitting in an abandoned apartment. See if it'll come all together and see if we can use that and paint it, or if we need to buy one eventually. We actually aren't going to buy any baby things till it gets closer. Since I've heard the baby showers, you get a lot of things, and then after that we will start getting the things we will need and we didn't get from the baby shower.

Best Moment this Week: Passing the half way point today, which honestly will feel just as long as these past few months, hopefully it'll seem shorter, since it's SUMMER!!

Looking Forward to: My appointment on the 19th and then later that weekend my parents will be coming to town, and then the week after that; CALIFORNIA!!

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